Devise and Design
The design life cycle starts with research of your company, the product, the competition and marketplace. By working with you, we will be able to devise an in depth brief for your product idea and a project plan to deliver it.
Conceptual designs are expressed through a variety of media including, drawings, renderings, block models and functional hardware layouts where appropriate.
Our intent through the visual appearance is to encourage ownership and extend your brand.
Discuss and Develop
Because design is a natural process it is necessary in this phase to hold regular 'design review' meetings to discuss progress and to keep the project on track.
Engineering a 3D CAD model and developing the hardware from schematic to PCB layout follows.
Throughout the design phase of your new product development we will use computer aided design (CAD). CAD is a very powerful tool which captures design intent electronically and allows the designer to move forward, quickly exploring the many avenues the design process demands. Each idea can be stored separately or discarded if not worthy and presentation images produced.
The mechanical parts will be prototyped using appropriate techniques, which may include stereolithography and the PCB's manufactured for validation.
Document and Deliver
The critical path to successful manufacturing is supplier liaison, documentation and training.
Formal testing and certification ensures the legal documentation is in place prior to product launch.
All delivered with a genuine passion and commitment ensuring the success of each and every aspect of your project.